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With this site, I aim to enlighten the reader on film media through my writing. My name is Andy Vennemann and I am an English: Film Studies Major at IUPUI. Over the course of the 2019 spring semester I have accumulated three writing projects assigned from Profesor Oesch-Minor of English W131. The course culminated with this site, which homes a film review, immersion experience, and an argumentative essay.
Film Culture in Indiana

In addition to exploring Indiana University's film archives, I observed a high school film class for my immersion experience.

In my argumentative essay, I explore the business malpractices of the Disney Corporation and the implications of lack antitrust enforcement on the consumer and laborer.

Roger Ebert:
Reviewing the Reviewer

He's well known for the Siskel & Ebert duo, but his twenty year partnership with his wife, Chaz, fuels the documentary Life Itself.

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